🚀 v2.1! Speedrun Timer & Fullscreen-able

🚀 v2.1

I’m proud to announce the release of EkoScape v2.1!

Check out the YouTube video above, and you can download & play the game at esotericpig.itch.io/ekoscape. 🤖

🫡 Major Changes

  • Speedrun timer in bottom right during gameplay. Press T to turn it off.
    • In a future devlog, I’d like to submit an official speedrun time. :D
  • Fullscreen mode. Press F11 to toggle between fullscreen and windowed.
    • This is just a simulated “fullscreen,” so it doesn’t actually change your screen’s display mode. In SDL2, it simply maximizes the window, removes the title bar, and hides the cursor.
  • Changed the macOS build to be a proper EkoScape.app bundle, instead of a raw binary.
    • Unfortunately, it’s still unsigned for now, as that costs money, but you can bypass that. :(
  • vsync option in main menu.
  • Added an itch manifest file.
    • If you’re using the itch app, on launch you’ll now get options to open the Maps folder or the Maps Guide.
  • Void space types, _ (underscore), for Maps.
    • It basically means nothing is drawn there and is purely black.
    • This is for areas where the player will never go and could potentially improve performance by not having to draw those areas.
  • For the textures, changed the code to crawl assets/textures/ for new sub folders so that it’s now even easier to mod.
  • Fixed & improved some OpenGL/SDL2 code, especially for Windows & macOS.
  • Fixed a bug in the engine where turning left/right caused a jerky animation if the turning speed from a Map was not a multiple of 10.

🔍 Other Changes

  • Switched to use itch’s butler app for pushing builds.
    • If you’re using the itch app, new updates will require far less time to download/install!
  • Refactored Input so can more easily add gamepad/joystick support in the future.
  • Updated internal timer code to use 64-bit time (more accurate) instead of 32-bit.
  • Changed “weird mode” (shhh… it’s a secret) to re-use the Robots defined in the Map, and then use normal ones when out.
  • Added a Linux launcher script (EkoScape.sh) for possibly adding other architectures in the future.
  • Recommended online ASCII editors in the Maps Guide (README).
  • Made some code more robust (recover from errors).
  • Refactored a bunch of code.


ekoscape-linux-x64.zip 19 MB
Version 3 52 days ago
ekoscape-macos-universal.zip 19 MB
Version 2 52 days ago
ekoscape-windows-x64.zip 18 MB
Version 2 52 days ago

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